Friday, June 6, 2008

Thoughts, Memories, ERASE, Ctrl+Z

Countless thoughts, countless reasoning. Man, sometimes I feel, why our brain is made so complex. So many memories, some good, some bad ones, all are there. Some fades away as time passes by, some keep persisting when you need them less. There are some memories, which you try to keep intact, which you are very fond of, which you really need to be with you. But there are some memories which you just don't want to exist, still they clung to you like your dark shadow. Always showing up, when you least need them. But then, they are Memories alright.
I wish, we could have Erase command, which upon issuing would delete some unwanted files. I wish we should have been supplemented with ctrl+z. But yeah, I never would like to have something as Come on, there are some precious ones as well, which I don't want to loose. Hey guess what, we are no COMPUTER. Although, we have created one. FORMAT. Charles Babbage must have gone through the same thought process when he was inventing Computer. And may be Konrad Zuse would have thought upon these minute things when he was developing First Programmable Computer. I wish, GOD should have gone through the same Thought Process. But then, he might have not thought that we would have evolved so much, that we would have needed these kind of facilities.
For past two days, I was having this thought revolving in the NEXUS of my Brain, that why we are provoked by some minute actions of others? Why we do not develop some tolerance towards some bad things? If trains get late, we get angry. When it starts raining, some get irritated. When food is served cold, we starts complaining. Means there are so many other such small issues for which we either complain, get irritated/angry. But then we just express our smaller side of emotions for incidents which are far worse then these. If some blasts a bomb (RDX for example, not some Diwali Crackers), we just say, "Hey, have you heard, some terrorist exploded the bomb is this particular place". And thats it. We just forget about it after few minutes. If someone needs help as he/she met accident, we overlook him/her and move on. But why I am writing these? I am also pretty much the same. But still these kind of things do visit me sometimes.

Anyways, I guess I have blabbered a lot. I should return back to my Coding and Testing. Yeah, thats my job. ctrl+(c/x/z/v) with often Delete keys are my life... At least, here I can revert or delete some unwanted files.


Jatin Vij said...

We CAN delete thoughts from our minds..
delete them permanently. But for that , we must become masters of our own mind , and not be enslaved by our numerous desires..

True power lies in restraint ,IHMO.

indeed it is a daunting task , "it is far easier to catch the wind in the palm of my hand than to control my thoughts"

p.s. can anyone tell me who said the above , to whom , and in what book?
I know the answer , but do u?
lolz lets see...

Eon said...

Hi Jatin.
Thanks for your response.
Well I don't know to agree or not to your statement that We CAN delete thoughts from our minds.. delete them permanently. But for that , we must become masters of our own mind , and not be enslaved by our numerous desires... As such I wonder, we have to get enlighten. Its not Impossible still its very tough. And also, even though you try to restrain them, it will get more tougher to hold them. After all, we may not create a prison for our own memories.

Anyways, I have no idea that who said "it is far easier to catch the wind in the palm of my hand than to control my thoughts". Please enlighten me over this.

Unknown said...

nicely written!!!!

Unknown said...

nicely written!!!

Eon said...

Thanks Priyada... :)