Monday, June 16, 2008

GOD/Devil, Who are you? Just a Human?

This is a small story. There used to be a guy, lets call him Lucifer. Yeah, Lucifer, Fallen Angel. But no, this is not the same Lucifer whom all the world know as a Fallen Angel, who revolted against the God.

Our Lucifer had many friends. Many of them use to rely upon him, for advice to counseling. He use to help them with his advice. He was all jolly and fun loving guy as well as serious guy inside. He like tending injuries of his friend, not physical but emotionally, where injuries always leave the invisible scars behind. (He could also try to heal the physical injuries, but then, he never dealt with them, as no such kind of cases reached him. :P). Though its different story, that very few used to come to him. As he always created a shell around him, which he allowed very few to come inside. Its not like he had stopped the rest, but he just wanted others to realize that their is a shell. Yeah, he always creates images of his as a person whom no one can trust, he is all stupid and jolly guy. He is not a sensible guy, and he never can be. This was his image outside his shell. He always enjoyed this when people use to point this out, and he used to laugh at himself.

One day, one of his friend (lets call him X) who know about his shell, was having conversation with him.
X: "Who is GOD, Human, and Devil?"
Lucifer: "Every one is God, Human and Devil."
X: "What the hell you mean by that?" (Sign of astonishment was on his face).
Lucifer: "Inside everyone of us, there resides God, Human and Devil." (Smiling)
X: "So?"
Lucifer: "Becoming God is way to difficult, mind it, not Impossible, but then for many, it becomes so much, that they start to believe, that God is someone else, and to achieve him is impossible, inspite of realizing that God resides within you."
X: "What about Devil and Human?"
Lucifer: "Well, becoming Devil is too easy, don't you think so. All you have to do is Fall to the darkness and that can be accomplished easily. Now don't ask how, because you also know the answer."
X: "OK, I accept it. So who is Human then?"
Lucifer: "Becoming Human is in between these two paths. Its like, someone who can't become God and neither wanna become Devil chose to stay as Human. Still, attaining Humanity is also difficult, and those who fails to do so, falls into darkness and thus becomes Devil."

X: "So what are you then?"
Lucifer: "I am Devil."
X: "But how?"
Lucifer: "Because I don't wanna be God. And human suffers a lot, because they don't understand humanity and when they fall, they make others suffer as well along with them. Its better that people assume me as Devil then they won't complain either. Yeah, am choosing the easiest path to survive. :D"
X: "But you are so good at making others feel ease when they talk their Heart out to you."
Lucifer: "I just tell them which they don't hear through their heart. All I do is make them hear their Heart, and I say answers which they already know. They suffer because they don't follow the path to attain Pure Humanity and they curse the Devils who makes them suffer, but then little they realize that its their own feelings which is making them suffer. And being a Devil myself, I know this. :)"
X: "So thats makes you Human."
Lucifer: "Remember, always, I am Fallen Angel. I can't become Human. And neither I want to become one. I like this, being Devil and thus I can understand others."
X: "So whats the path to attain atleast Pure Humanity?"
Lucifer: "Always be positive. Whatever happens, happens for some reason. Analyze the situation and extract the Positive part, Learn from it, and leave behind all the negative aspects. That way, your suffering will reduce to nothing. But here, only people fails to accept. They will continue to grieve for all the bad that happened to them, inspite of realizing that things would have been worst. And they should Thank the God, for making them learn something New."
X: "So you do believe in God."
Lucifer: "Yup, I do."
X: "Then why you are Devil?"
Lucifer: "Because, very few listen to the God, rest listen to some Devils like me. Ha Ha Ha. And also, Devil are afraid of Gods you see."
X: "So can I become Devil myself?"
Lucifer: "I will suggest you not to fall. Try to be Human, otherwise we will become Many, and true Happiness will be lost somewhere in time."

I don't know, what to explain thorough this or make you understand. Its something which we all have to understand ourselves. Life is not too easy, neither too hard. But still, we ourselves try to make them hard by repeating the same mistakes and not learning from the past. I am not saying, one should look back at the past, because when you will learn something from some incident, and move on, you will never have to look back. All of us dream to have beautiful life, but very few try to strive for it. And just dreaming and doing nothing becomes the source of suffering gradually and when we do realize it, it already gets too late.

But then I am already a Devil, are you with me as well... Who knows. The answer lies within you only. If your Heart replies, you can't be. Otherwise if you can't hear voice of your Heart, you already are. Welcome to My World.

(You can still hear people screaming, tinkling of chains, whooshing of fire in the Background and someone laughing out loud, as one is going away from the door of Hell.)

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