Saturday, June 7, 2008

Rain, Gray Clouds, Success, Tea and Bhaaji

Today the weather here in Mumbai is just great... Lil sunshine with drizzling rain. After so many days, here in Mumbai, taking toll of scorching sun, which seriously made me perspire like anything, I felt really good. Rain is drizzling with gray atmosphere, this feeling is not less then awesome. Still, there was use to be the time whence I loved getting drench in the rain, back in Shimla where I completed my graduation. It was just awesome. Now time has changed, when I worry about reaching my Workplace and avoid getting wet, not to fell ill or getting dirty. I don't know how to say about this, but then this aroma of soil getting soaked with drips of rain, is something. Though its nothing compared to what it was used to be in Ranchi (my hometown) and Shimla (my Gurukool). And a suggestion for free, you must try Tea and Pakoras when its raining.

I don't know, but out of nowhere, these thoughts came flying by in my Mind... I think I can share with you all guys. Maybe this is what you guys also feel or alike. I was just wondering whats it takes to be successful. Many says, you have to pay to get successful, in terms of your time, value, love and many other factors. Means how come some sacrifice could let you achieve success? I was having some deep conversation with my Guru. I then put up this question in front of him, that what actually it takes to be successful. Is it sacrifice or what. His answer was something which I felt convincing... and not actually convincing, I felt this must be the true definition.
He told me, it just takes three things:
  1. Be Liked: By this he meant, that you should be known... and not only known, you should be liked. You should be liked by your elders, your beloved, your friends, your colleagues, your Boss, your Juniors and all other people around you. Now this is something which is intriguing. Its upto us, how we make ourselves being liked by so many people. Our aura should be strong. Behavior should be good. How you carry on and people should enjoy with you... darn it... so much to do...
  2. Be Inquisitive: Now thats something. OK... say, you have inquisitive nature. How come thats gonna help you? Ofcourse it will. After all knowledge is what lets you apply solution correctly. If you don't have any prior knowledge of something, how you gonna handle any project related to that. Hmmm, thats not a problem. I have ample of bytes left in my Brain.
  3. Have abundance of energy: OK, you are being liked by all, and have a huge knowledge base. But still, if you have less energy to do what it takes, how you suppose you will be able to accomplish some tasks in time. And there it is, you lose important deadline. Also, if you work hard, and then you don't have much energy left with you to spend some time with your own pals, you will start losing your values in front of them. And even after this, you don't get much time to experiment and gather some knowledge, then?. Now this is going to be difficult. I am lazy bum, oooffff...
And 4th what I think important is, Time Management. Use your time decisively. Spend them at right moment. Take rest properly, and recharge your batteries. That way, you can move forward.
So its not sacrifice, its management. Hmmmm..... Points

I guess these 4 things are what if done properly, Success is not so far away then.

Now my brain is getting heavy with these kinds of heavy talks. But hey, today is Saturday...its weekend. Just awesome. I am planning to watch some movies at home. Anyone wants to join me? Hey I will arrange some beverages as well. :D

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