Friday, June 20, 2008

Hey Builder, Hey Gardener.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Well I thought, starting a day with good laugh is always helpful through out the day. Atleast a smile, should always be there on the face. It is said, Smile can conquer many difficult situations. And yes, please don't fake it, otherwise, smile will have no values in it.

As a Builder, person will plan the whole lay out of his construction, will start to build, and will keep on building, until the building is finished. He will make the foundation strong, pillars and walls will also be very defensive, so that outside force won't harm the inside. But then what, at the end, when he will finish up with the building, there will be nothing left for him to do. Life is just like those building for such persons who like to build. They will plan their life, will build defenses around them, so that no can hurt them. And gradually their life will wither away. At the end, they will lose interest in their life, because their will be nothing more to do with it apart from reinforcing the walls, some repair work, painting and some decoration.

Then their is another kind of person, who is gardener. He will sow the seed or sapling in the soil. Will take care of its every need, will add right amount of soil with right amount of manure. Will irrigate it and will observe it grow. He will try to protect the plant against strong winds and harsh climates. And while plant is growing, the gardener will also grow. Will learn from his experiences while he is taking care of that cute lil plant. Slowly, he will start to learn, about the need of the plant, and he will continue to love. And like this, the plant will grow, and will become the Tree, a strong tree which is no longer that small plant which used to live on the support of the gardener. He is a TREE now. He is now able to stand strong against Strongest Wind, Scorching Sun and Flooding Water. And guess what, he is now able to support and protect the very same Gardener who use to support him. He is now able to give back to the Gardener, Fruits so that the gardener can quench his hunger, Flowers so that he can impress his Soulmate, Hug when the gardener needs to be hugged.
Here, Life is just like that Tree, and we who live them, are tht Gardener.

So what you want to become,
Gardener or Builder.

(There are only two attitudes according to the Tradition: Build or Plant)

1 comment:

Neha Justa said...

I lik the gardener attitude,life is just a tree.Hurdles come n go,one season cum n go n came back with another season,so b lik a tree,so strong n b able to give keep on movin...with smile on the face...