Friday, June 20, 2008

Hey Builder, Hey Gardener.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Well I thought, starting a day with good laugh is always helpful through out the day. Atleast a smile, should always be there on the face. It is said, Smile can conquer many difficult situations. And yes, please don't fake it, otherwise, smile will have no values in it.

As a Builder, person will plan the whole lay out of his construction, will start to build, and will keep on building, until the building is finished. He will make the foundation strong, pillars and walls will also be very defensive, so that outside force won't harm the inside. But then what, at the end, when he will finish up with the building, there will be nothing left for him to do. Life is just like those building for such persons who like to build. They will plan their life, will build defenses around them, so that no can hurt them. And gradually their life will wither away. At the end, they will lose interest in their life, because their will be nothing more to do with it apart from reinforcing the walls, some repair work, painting and some decoration.

Then their is another kind of person, who is gardener. He will sow the seed or sapling in the soil. Will take care of its every need, will add right amount of soil with right amount of manure. Will irrigate it and will observe it grow. He will try to protect the plant against strong winds and harsh climates. And while plant is growing, the gardener will also grow. Will learn from his experiences while he is taking care of that cute lil plant. Slowly, he will start to learn, about the need of the plant, and he will continue to love. And like this, the plant will grow, and will become the Tree, a strong tree which is no longer that small plant which used to live on the support of the gardener. He is a TREE now. He is now able to stand strong against Strongest Wind, Scorching Sun and Flooding Water. And guess what, he is now able to support and protect the very same Gardener who use to support him. He is now able to give back to the Gardener, Fruits so that the gardener can quench his hunger, Flowers so that he can impress his Soulmate, Hug when the gardener needs to be hugged.
Here, Life is just like that Tree, and we who live them, are tht Gardener.

So what you want to become,
Gardener or Builder.

(There are only two attitudes according to the Tradition: Build or Plant)

Monday, June 16, 2008

GOD/Devil, Who are you? Just a Human?

This is a small story. There used to be a guy, lets call him Lucifer. Yeah, Lucifer, Fallen Angel. But no, this is not the same Lucifer whom all the world know as a Fallen Angel, who revolted against the God.

Our Lucifer had many friends. Many of them use to rely upon him, for advice to counseling. He use to help them with his advice. He was all jolly and fun loving guy as well as serious guy inside. He like tending injuries of his friend, not physical but emotionally, where injuries always leave the invisible scars behind. (He could also try to heal the physical injuries, but then, he never dealt with them, as no such kind of cases reached him. :P). Though its different story, that very few used to come to him. As he always created a shell around him, which he allowed very few to come inside. Its not like he had stopped the rest, but he just wanted others to realize that their is a shell. Yeah, he always creates images of his as a person whom no one can trust, he is all stupid and jolly guy. He is not a sensible guy, and he never can be. This was his image outside his shell. He always enjoyed this when people use to point this out, and he used to laugh at himself.

One day, one of his friend (lets call him X) who know about his shell, was having conversation with him.
X: "Who is GOD, Human, and Devil?"
Lucifer: "Every one is God, Human and Devil."
X: "What the hell you mean by that?" (Sign of astonishment was on his face).
Lucifer: "Inside everyone of us, there resides God, Human and Devil." (Smiling)
X: "So?"
Lucifer: "Becoming God is way to difficult, mind it, not Impossible, but then for many, it becomes so much, that they start to believe, that God is someone else, and to achieve him is impossible, inspite of realizing that God resides within you."
X: "What about Devil and Human?"
Lucifer: "Well, becoming Devil is too easy, don't you think so. All you have to do is Fall to the darkness and that can be accomplished easily. Now don't ask how, because you also know the answer."
X: "OK, I accept it. So who is Human then?"
Lucifer: "Becoming Human is in between these two paths. Its like, someone who can't become God and neither wanna become Devil chose to stay as Human. Still, attaining Humanity is also difficult, and those who fails to do so, falls into darkness and thus becomes Devil."

X: "So what are you then?"
Lucifer: "I am Devil."
X: "But how?"
Lucifer: "Because I don't wanna be God. And human suffers a lot, because they don't understand humanity and when they fall, they make others suffer as well along with them. Its better that people assume me as Devil then they won't complain either. Yeah, am choosing the easiest path to survive. :D"
X: "But you are so good at making others feel ease when they talk their Heart out to you."
Lucifer: "I just tell them which they don't hear through their heart. All I do is make them hear their Heart, and I say answers which they already know. They suffer because they don't follow the path to attain Pure Humanity and they curse the Devils who makes them suffer, but then little they realize that its their own feelings which is making them suffer. And being a Devil myself, I know this. :)"
X: "So thats makes you Human."
Lucifer: "Remember, always, I am Fallen Angel. I can't become Human. And neither I want to become one. I like this, being Devil and thus I can understand others."
X: "So whats the path to attain atleast Pure Humanity?"
Lucifer: "Always be positive. Whatever happens, happens for some reason. Analyze the situation and extract the Positive part, Learn from it, and leave behind all the negative aspects. That way, your suffering will reduce to nothing. But here, only people fails to accept. They will continue to grieve for all the bad that happened to them, inspite of realizing that things would have been worst. And they should Thank the God, for making them learn something New."
X: "So you do believe in God."
Lucifer: "Yup, I do."
X: "Then why you are Devil?"
Lucifer: "Because, very few listen to the God, rest listen to some Devils like me. Ha Ha Ha. And also, Devil are afraid of Gods you see."
X: "So can I become Devil myself?"
Lucifer: "I will suggest you not to fall. Try to be Human, otherwise we will become Many, and true Happiness will be lost somewhere in time."

I don't know, what to explain thorough this or make you understand. Its something which we all have to understand ourselves. Life is not too easy, neither too hard. But still, we ourselves try to make them hard by repeating the same mistakes and not learning from the past. I am not saying, one should look back at the past, because when you will learn something from some incident, and move on, you will never have to look back. All of us dream to have beautiful life, but very few try to strive for it. And just dreaming and doing nothing becomes the source of suffering gradually and when we do realize it, it already gets too late.

But then I am already a Devil, are you with me as well... Who knows. The answer lies within you only. If your Heart replies, you can't be. Otherwise if you can't hear voice of your Heart, you already are. Welcome to My World.

(You can still hear people screaming, tinkling of chains, whooshing of fire in the Background and someone laughing out loud, as one is going away from the door of Hell.)

Monday, June 9, 2008

Road Ahead, DREAM which may come true.

Aaaahhh... another good day... I feel so... Even after reaching Office late, getting drenched in rain twice, I feel its really a good day... and no, its not sarcasm, its really true.

Yesterday, I finished this book, "the 3 mistakes of my life" by Chetan Bhagat. I was already impressed by his previous books "5 point someone" and "one night @ the call center". But this third book, seriously made some impact. He is so natural at attacking the mind of his reader. Yeah attacking I suppose is the right term as you make your Reader either submit to him, or fight back the urge to continue reading. I continued, I didn't even had to fight back. The life of Govind, and his Friends, it was really heartening to read.

Whatever, point is, what you achieve something is not that important, but how you achieved it, thats what I think is important. Say for example, if a Millionaire's son is handling his Dad's business, what he achieved then. And then, if someone else becomes Millionaire from the scratch, I guess his story would be worth reading, not the story of Millionaire's son.

There is one dream of mine. Its special, and rest all of my ambitions and my goals revolve around this particular dream. Very few knows this. And don't ask me what it is...

Someone ask, "Why you are going for Wild Goose Chase?"
I replied, "Its something I just want to."
He again asked, "But still, what about others?"
I replied, "They won't be affected by this."
He counterattacks, "It may destroy you."
I replied, "I will not let that happen. At the end, if I will achieve, I will be happy. Otherwise, I promise you, I wont be sad. Its just something I need to do."
He again opened up his mouth questioning, "But you also doesn't know, if you will be able to achieve it?"
I replied, "I will never know until I try."

I am really glad to have friends like him, who do cares for me. And I know, they will be the ones who will appreciate me as well.

We don't know what our future holds, what we await at the other end. We can work over it, try to make it possible. Its not a drawing book, where you can paint your dreams. Its just like you are walking a path, somewhere, green pasture, somewhere pebbles. You have to walk and walk, until you reach the other end of the road, other end which is still unexplored. No one has ever been to that place before. So how will you know, what it will be there. Until you reach, until you try, you will never ever be able to know. But just leaving the path in between dreading the worst is just wrong. May be there are hundreds of Dragons waiting for their prey and it may just turns out to be you as their piece of Dinner. But still, you will be able to see the Dragon which none other have seen before. And it may as well is possible, you will be able to become Mighty Dragon Rider.

Do you have it what it takes to walk the road? Its upto you to decide. I may give you dreams, that there is such a beautiful life out there at the other end of the road,or it may be worse. But its upto you to walk the path. Ask yourself, will you be able to walk and will face boldly whatever you will face.

Now if you really want to stride the lane, then what you are waiting for? Pack your Bag, wear your shoes, prepare yourself, hold your Hopes High, and Walk the Lane.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Rain, Gray Clouds, Success, Tea and Bhaaji

Today the weather here in Mumbai is just great... Lil sunshine with drizzling rain. After so many days, here in Mumbai, taking toll of scorching sun, which seriously made me perspire like anything, I felt really good. Rain is drizzling with gray atmosphere, this feeling is not less then awesome. Still, there was use to be the time whence I loved getting drench in the rain, back in Shimla where I completed my graduation. It was just awesome. Now time has changed, when I worry about reaching my Workplace and avoid getting wet, not to fell ill or getting dirty. I don't know how to say about this, but then this aroma of soil getting soaked with drips of rain, is something. Though its nothing compared to what it was used to be in Ranchi (my hometown) and Shimla (my Gurukool). And a suggestion for free, you must try Tea and Pakoras when its raining.

I don't know, but out of nowhere, these thoughts came flying by in my Mind... I think I can share with you all guys. Maybe this is what you guys also feel or alike. I was just wondering whats it takes to be successful. Many says, you have to pay to get successful, in terms of your time, value, love and many other factors. Means how come some sacrifice could let you achieve success? I was having some deep conversation with my Guru. I then put up this question in front of him, that what actually it takes to be successful. Is it sacrifice or what. His answer was something which I felt convincing... and not actually convincing, I felt this must be the true definition.
He told me, it just takes three things:
  1. Be Liked: By this he meant, that you should be known... and not only known, you should be liked. You should be liked by your elders, your beloved, your friends, your colleagues, your Boss, your Juniors and all other people around you. Now this is something which is intriguing. Its upto us, how we make ourselves being liked by so many people. Our aura should be strong. Behavior should be good. How you carry on and people should enjoy with you... darn it... so much to do...
  2. Be Inquisitive: Now thats something. OK... say, you have inquisitive nature. How come thats gonna help you? Ofcourse it will. After all knowledge is what lets you apply solution correctly. If you don't have any prior knowledge of something, how you gonna handle any project related to that. Hmmm, thats not a problem. I have ample of bytes left in my Brain.
  3. Have abundance of energy: OK, you are being liked by all, and have a huge knowledge base. But still, if you have less energy to do what it takes, how you suppose you will be able to accomplish some tasks in time. And there it is, you lose important deadline. Also, if you work hard, and then you don't have much energy left with you to spend some time with your own pals, you will start losing your values in front of them. And even after this, you don't get much time to experiment and gather some knowledge, then?. Now this is going to be difficult. I am lazy bum, oooffff...
And 4th what I think important is, Time Management. Use your time decisively. Spend them at right moment. Take rest properly, and recharge your batteries. That way, you can move forward.
So its not sacrifice, its management. Hmmmm..... Points

I guess these 4 things are what if done properly, Success is not so far away then.

Now my brain is getting heavy with these kinds of heavy talks. But hey, today is Saturday...its weekend. Just awesome. I am planning to watch some movies at home. Anyone wants to join me? Hey I will arrange some beverages as well. :D

Friday, June 6, 2008

Thoughts, Memories, ERASE, Ctrl+Z

Countless thoughts, countless reasoning. Man, sometimes I feel, why our brain is made so complex. So many memories, some good, some bad ones, all are there. Some fades away as time passes by, some keep persisting when you need them less. There are some memories, which you try to keep intact, which you are very fond of, which you really need to be with you. But there are some memories which you just don't want to exist, still they clung to you like your dark shadow. Always showing up, when you least need them. But then, they are Memories alright.
I wish, we could have Erase command, which upon issuing would delete some unwanted files. I wish we should have been supplemented with ctrl+z. But yeah, I never would like to have something as Come on, there are some precious ones as well, which I don't want to loose. Hey guess what, we are no COMPUTER. Although, we have created one. FORMAT. Charles Babbage must have gone through the same thought process when he was inventing Computer. And may be Konrad Zuse would have thought upon these minute things when he was developing First Programmable Computer. I wish, GOD should have gone through the same Thought Process. But then, he might have not thought that we would have evolved so much, that we would have needed these kind of facilities.
For past two days, I was having this thought revolving in the NEXUS of my Brain, that why we are provoked by some minute actions of others? Why we do not develop some tolerance towards some bad things? If trains get late, we get angry. When it starts raining, some get irritated. When food is served cold, we starts complaining. Means there are so many other such small issues for which we either complain, get irritated/angry. But then we just express our smaller side of emotions for incidents which are far worse then these. If some blasts a bomb (RDX for example, not some Diwali Crackers), we just say, "Hey, have you heard, some terrorist exploded the bomb is this particular place". And thats it. We just forget about it after few minutes. If someone needs help as he/she met accident, we overlook him/her and move on. But why I am writing these? I am also pretty much the same. But still these kind of things do visit me sometimes.

Anyways, I guess I have blabbered a lot. I should return back to my Coding and Testing. Yeah, thats my job. ctrl+(c/x/z/v) with often Delete keys are my life... At least, here I can revert or delete some unwanted files.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A cloud, A Haze, Nothingness

This is my first blog. Supposedly. Still confused, what to blog. All the feelings and emotions, ideas rotating in the Nexus of my mind. All scattered here and there like Cloud. Or is there really something.

For past two days, I was unable to get into my account here in Blogspot. There were some errors you see in my network configuration and I was so engrossed in debugging my Software that I got little time to fix the network issue. Also I was assuming the problem was in the Router. So may be it was the reason that I overlooked error in my own configurations. But when I saw another colleague of mine
accessing the Internet over the same router, then I realized that may be I had made some error. So then I looked into configuration and now its working. (Say out loud) ITS WORKING...

Enough of this drama. Coming back to the title.

Ever felt that sometimes out of no reason, you feel so emotionally overwhelmed that you just want to out, scream out. Still you just can't roll out those small spheres of saline liquid out of the corner of your eyes or make your throat sore with the Scream. There should be some reason, but still your brain is so hazy that you just can't make sure which incident you should catch to vent out. You want to scream but you just can't. Means its my Vocal chord, its my throat, its my Mouth, its bloody my own eyes. All those incidents which affect us emotionally, all become mists, part of those HAZE, which ultimately becomes part of CLOUD. And it doesn't rain often. And after it rains,