Monday, May 4, 2009

Ghoul Inside

I turned the knob to unlock the door,
I stepped with fear inside.
The mirror on the opposite wall,
I can see my own reflection,
And it was nothing but a figure of ghoul.

I scream out,
What the hell?
Who am I?
Am I the Saint, a human,
Or just another avatar of a demon?

I want to run out of this room,
Is it haunted in itself?
Fear has gripped me in,
And I realize my legs just wont move.

The ghoul figure appears in front of me,
Possessing me, engulfing me in its dark aura.
Whispering in my ears, that am gonna be the devil now.
I scream for help,
I don't want to be a devil now.
But who is going to save me from myself?

The part of my soul which was Angel,
Is dissolving in the same poison,
That I have been so long brewing.
My Angel is going all green,
Soon it will fade away into nothingness.
I will become an Evil, which all will hate.

I don't want to be the Evil.
I don't either want myself to be a Saint.
I just want myself to be a Human.
I have to save myself somehow,
I just have to save myself somehow.

My heart begin pounding,
All the terrible thoughts appearing.
All my past memories, which made me bleed,
All resurrecting from their graves.

I don't want this,
I want to love and be loved,
All I want for myself is a happy soul.

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