Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sometimes in life !!!

Sometimes in life,
Things do look hazed,
Condensed and brittle appear.

One touch and it may fall,
One shake and it break.
With one hand,
You hold the handle of the jar.

So fragile it may appear,
Still struggling hard,
"I have to keep it intact :("
Harder I tried,
And I shattered the glass to shards.

Shards which may bleed you,
Hurt you for now but remain there,
As a scar which you may not hide,
Or expect them to heal right away.

There will be a corner around,
"But where?"

A question with no answers,
And then so many answers,
Still no colour seems right,
Shall the grass be painted blue,
Or sky some bright red?

I then with this crying heart,
I Ask myself, where is the resolve left?
To breathe or to walk or to continue.
I should just sleep on this wet trail,
Waiting for the peace to return.

My heart commands,
You can't sleep so peacefully,
You are so condemned by me.
That you can't have such a peaceful death.

Sometimes in life,
You can just watch,
With no words of your own.
You can't even protest,
Neither you can save yourself.

Someday in my life...
And I wish my Heart not to stop me then...